5 Feet of Fury

My Secret Source at the Mark Steyn show trial: Dispatch #3

I’m glad you didn’t use my post from this mornings break — not one to make excuses but the tribunal room is very hot, has no air conditioning, drinks are confiscated and there a lot of people who are doing their cause for global warming by only showering once per month. Combined with the nonsense we are watching is making us giddy and light headed.

I have never seen a person have as much fun at a trial as Ezra Levant who could not stop glowing — the brightness increased twofold every time his name was mentioned.

The live blogging duo of Coyne and Levant deserve some sort of recognition during the next Canadian Blog Awards. The best part was watching the Toronto Star reporter using her laptop to keep up on the trial by reading Coyne and Levant’s blogs with a trip over to SteynOnline every so often.

I am getting the impression the BCHRC folks are worried about the impact of this case. On two occasions after arguments I had with various lawyers and journalists about the value of the HRC’s, BCHRC employees introduced themselves and gave me the sales pitch. They are sitting in on the trial and taking note of the attitudes of the people attending. Normally BCHRC tribunals have no audience and no media coverage so this event is something unique for them.

I am not sure if this means the Canadian Association of Journalists is broke but Jason Gratl the lawyer intervening on their behalf is working for free — is this normal?