5 Feet of Fury

“The Fall of Conservatism”: I guess we all have to read this damn thing.

As a Canadian, I read something like this and think: hell, at least you guys got to have something for a few years. We never got to have squat, ideologically speaking, and we never will.

I really don’t think David Frum et al get it. Obviously they know more “Beltway” stuff than I ever will, but really: global warming? A hoax, as revealed more and more each day. And what is Newt thinking? He veers between genius and stupid about 50/50, and he’s supposed to be the Smart One…

Income inequality? Insecurity? Who told you to drop out of high school, you stupids? Who told you to get wrapped up in so much consumer debt buying crap you didn’t need? Of course you’re “insecure.” Should have planned your life a little better. Not my problem. Certainly not the government’s.

And what is this “New Orleans” crap? People too drunk, stoned or stupid to live above sea level? But that’s Bush’s fault how again?

Here’s the real problem with Establishment/Movement Conservatism:

It refuses to address the very issues that working class people bitch about among themselves and that the elites won’t even acknowledge:

* racial/cultural divides and differences, such as taxpayer sponsored serial unwed motherhood that’s become an institution among blacks, hispanics and lower class whites

* illegal and legal immigration, its effect on everyday life (“press one for English”) and the resentments these effects engender among immigrants vs citizens

* tort reform (because most politicians are lawyers, we’ll never see that happen)

* the sense of entitlement that seems to be the one thing all Americans have in common anymore, from the “right” to hog the sidewalks with their goddamn giant baby strollers to the “right” to blast their goddamn rap music out of their ugly cars while talking to their stupid friends on their stupid cellphone. Jezuz.

Instead we hear about crap like “global warming” (junk science), “health care” (buy insurance when you’re young and healthy or shut up later if you didn’t), and “social security” (no one was supposed to live as long as you people are, and you know it; you should have saved your own damn money.)

Bush’s attempts to reform social security demonstrated the sad truth that most people are stupid, selfish, lazy leeches who just want the “free stuff” they “earned”.

Most Americans! Even allegedly “out there” right wing radio still plays along with lots of received liberal wisdom.

What a let down.

Reagan campaigned on “protecting” you from Big Government. But isn’t it just as vital, today more than ever, for someone to “protect” us from our parasitical fellow citizens: those who demand an unearned share of our income, to use on gay weddings and “sensitivity training” and unisex bathrooms and free abortions and bus trips to the casino and — in the case of welfare bums — satellite tv?

People who will sue us into bankruptcy for the crime of looking at them funny, or losing their “favorite pair of pants”, or failing their stupid kid in Third Grade.

Here’s what I want:

* to make and keep as much of my money as possible and spend it on whatever I want, including my own health care and nobody else’s
* the right to free speech, private property and self-defence (none of which are, for all intents and purposes, rights that Canadians freely enjoy)
* for everyone else to grow up or shut up

But of course, you can’t really “vote” for any of that, because that’s nobody’s campaign platform and never will be.

That’s why party politics and policy is a waste of time.

The few remaining intelligent people in North America need to spend their time, energy and money on firearms, sound investments, supporting the troops — and anyone else who dares to challenge the status quo.