5 Feet of Fury

“History’s losers unite” in annual Toronto socialist confab

A BCF reader explains who “Socialist Action” are:

Socialist Action is a dedicated “entryist” groupuscule, which explains the NDP reference (by this I mean they follow the Cliffite tradition of burrowing within the British Labour Party). Socialist Action is quite active in the NDP (they’re the “Cuba Tours” crowd) and they function mainly within the NDP’s “Socialist Caucus.”

They’re so effective that their candidate back in 2000 (?) got more than 100 of the 750-ish votes in the NDP convention leadership race, where Macdonagh was eventually elected. Since the NDP went one-member, one-vote, they haven’t come close to that kind of internal success with the rank and file. But they’re very, very active as party cadre, making up a significant element of the NDP activist base in Toronto, especially.

[Photographic proof provided.]

As you might imagine, they’re dedicated Israel-haters.