5 Feet of Fury

Now Australians are laughing at us

“The point of absurdity was reached in Canada long ago. But this case of hand washing, or NOT hand washing, acts as a wake-up call for anyone who failed to notice how our inalienable rights have consistently been trampled by these undemocratic commissions. You see, not only do these commissions have the power to trample basic sanitary laws, they also have the power to trample freedom of speech and freedom of the press.


“Datt’s case against McDonald’s might prove to be a Godsend. Sooner or later everyone pops in for a quick, and until recently clean, bite to eat at the golden arches, the American global corporate mecca of fast food. Want some psoriasis or eczema with your fries? Well, it’s now officially a Canadian human right that you might get just that. I won’t even mention hepatitis.


Suspend the three-ring circuses for a year and see what happens. If it’s determined by our legislators in Canada and Australia that human rights have gone down the toilet then we can bring back the commissions, regardless of their contravention of 800 years of English Common Law and the 1946 United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights and its provisions on freedom of expression.

“If, on the other hand, western society continues to function in an equitable, free and open manner, culturally diverse and tolerant as it has been for as long as I’ve been on this earth, then maybe we could finally all agree, whether we’re left or right in our politics, that we’re better off.”