“…is like going to bed with Gina Lollobrigida. Anybody can do it. The challenge to liberty’s libido is going to bat for a James Keegstra’s freedom of expression, or an Ernst Zundel’s. Defending the Charter rights of crude racists and Holocaust deniers is a test of liberal virility. It’s a test we failed.
“Defending the freedom of freedom’s friends is dandy, but it’s no substitute for defending freedom. One isn’t defending freedom until one defends the freedom of freedom’s enemies. Waxing eloquent about speech one admires is admirable, but it doesn’t defend freedom of speech. Defending freedom of speech means defending the freedom of speech one abhors. One isn’t obliged to promote abominated speech, but anyone who aspires to be called liberal is obliged to resist its suppression.”
Okay, so I’m the Brigitte Bardot of Canada and the Gina Lollobrigida of Canada. Personally, I see myself more as the Anita Ekberg of Canada. But definitely not the Mamie van Doren of Canada.
Say, I feel a song coming on… (nsfw)
Uh, yes, American readers: the lead singer is a woman, and that song was a big radio hit.
Twenty-eight years ago.
We’re weird up here.