5 Feet of Fury

BCF breaks another Human Rights Commission story

Athanasios D. Hadjis slams the door on the Canadian Constitution Foundations bid for intervener status at the Lemire hearing – says he doesn’t need to hear more views condemning Section 13(1).

Good catch, BCF — since they tried to sneak this past us by releasing the notice late Friday of a long weekend.

Ezra Levant picks up the story:

Hadjis’s brief ruling is a repulsive blend of arrogance, laziness and prejudice. Let’s be honest: Hadjis is bored, and doesn’t want to waste time going through the motions of a fair hearing, and the CCF means he potentially has hours of extra reading to do.

Throughout the March 25th hearing, Hadjis repeatedly sighed “we’re done” — even when the lawyers of the case weren’t done. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know how many times Hadjis looked at the clock, but I’m sure it was in the dozens. But can you really blame Hadjis? The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has a 100% conviction rate for section 13 thought crimes. They’re just going through the motions anyways. Can’t they just hurry up, so he can declare Lemire guilty?

Hadjis’s ruling is laughable, and the CCF should immediately appeal it to the Federal Court.

We’ve got the Human Rights Commission on the run, folks!