5 Feet of Fury

It should be perfectly obvious from his first name that he’s a mad doctor’s hunchback!

“It should be perfectly obvious from his last name and the contents of his writings that Mark Steyn is a Jew.”

Igor Alexander is extremely confused. “Everyone has looked the other way…?” Actually, not everyone — here’s a series of pre-2007 denunciations of the HRCs written by… The “Joooooo” Mark “Steyn”!

Igor’s post contains too many self-delusions for me to deal with singlehandedly. You guys can straighten him out in his comments.

Maybe not by writing this, though:

[Mark Steyn] has such little jewish blood in him that he could have served in the nazi army.

If you’ve missed hearing the word “neocon” for the while, here’s your chance to relive the glorious year that was 2004! 

Sigh… It’s been a few years since we’ve had a fun little incident like this one.

Troy also wanted to know if “Mark Steyn is reading these emails”. It only occurs to me now that I should have replied, “No, but his golem is.”

PLUS: take the Jewish Confirmation Test!

(Thanks to Malcolm for the screen cap… I never noticed before that it’s a Torah scroll, and I’ve watched it four times; the movie is full of great touches like that, such as the driedel fuzzy dice on the rear view mirror.)