5 Feet of Fury

Restaurant owner can’t afford to fight HRC complaint by lazy pothead

A Burlington businessman brought to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal after he told a medical marijuana user not to light up in front of his family restaurant has given up fighting the complaint because he couldn’t afford the legal fees.

“The financial burden, the burden on me and on my family was too much,” Ted Kindos, owner of Gator Ted’s Tap and Grill, said yesterday after reaching a settlement.

Kindos said his lawyer told him it could cost up to $60,000 to continue fighting the complaint; it was scheduled for eight days of hearings at the Human Rights Tribunal beginning yesterday. Kindos said he has already spent $20,000. (…)

Neither Gibson nor Kindos would reveal details of the settlement, although Gibson did say he got what he originally asked for. It was reported in February that he sought $20,000 for mental anguish and for Kindos to pay for annual training and retraining of his staff on human rights policies.

If you’re well enough to spawn two children and sit in hot tubs all day, let alone go out to eat, you aren’t sick enough to be on “disability”, let alone to smoke “medical marijuana.”

Canada sucks.