5 Feet of Fury

How the hell did this get printed in a Canadian newspaper?

Statistics Canada reported that in British Columbia this median wage-earner’s income fell 11.3 per cent over that quarter-century. Has StatsCanada ever lied to us before?

“Yet there is no mystery; clues are thick on the ground. But Top People, and the media who serve them and know how far to go too far, as the Frenchman said, are reluctant to chase them — because some are decidedly politically incorrect. Let me count the ways.

“Immigrants. StatsCanada also reported that since 1980 immigrants have sharply lower incomes than those before 1980. But Proper Canadians (whose field marks include moral superiority to the Americans and faith in collective action and expanding government) shrink from joining the dots.

“Let me help by stating the obvious. In recent decades immigration, especially in British Columbia, has massively swung away from Europe to the less-developed (awful phrase) world like China, South Asia, Iran — people whose language and very alphabets are utterly dissimilar, and whose cultures and religions are not only unlike but in some cases hostile to the values and norms of the West, especially of what brilliant writer Mark Steyn (now there’s a man embroiled in the new, Proper Canada’s grim Star Chambers and kangaroo courts) calls the Anglosphere, the global community of English-speaking people.

“Those earlier, post-Second World War immigrants — I think fondly of the Dutch especially, but too many more to list — had no illusions about, and no desire to avoid, ‘assimilation,’ a world less likely to appear in correct Canada these days than the four-letter one for fornication.”