5 Feet of Fury

Just when you thought leftists couldn’t get any stupider

Along comes “Johnny Maudlin”, another anonymous coward and aging hippie crank, whose ability to grasp simple facts has obviously been destroyed by years of recreational drug use, to whit:

Mark Steyn has been under attack, of late, as is the Canadian magazine Maclean’s, where he writes a regular column. Maclean’s magazine published excerpts from Steyn’s book and Mohamed Elmasry, the leader of the Canadian Islamic Congress, filed a complaint with the human rights commision, claiming that Steyn’s writing exposes Muslims to hatred. Elmasry also named bloggers Kate McMillan and Kathy Shaidle, in his complaint. They are alleged to have re printed (sic) Steyn’s column on their websites.

Actually, no Johnny Wimp.

I am not named in the Maclean’s complaint. Anywhere. I am not being sued for libel by Richard Warman for “reprinting Steyn’s column on my website”, because that would make no frickin’ sense.

No wonder these morons believe in everything from global warming to Michael Moore’s cinematic drivel. Their reading comphrension skills are on a par with Coco the gorilla’s.

The only thing that consoles me is the sure knowledge that one day, all the old hippies like this anonymous coward “Maudlin” will be dead, and I’ll outlive them and help take the world back.

When these twerps are your enemies, you gotta know you’re on the right side, huh?

BlazingCatFur took a screen shot. Let’s see how long it takes the Maudlin Coward to pull the post, in violation of all rules of blogging. The time is now 10:14PM EST…


But wait… what’s this? Now, according to Johnny, I’m ugly and need to get laid! What devastating originality.