5 Feet of Fury

Muslim debating secrets revealed during “best 60 minutes of Canadian television ever”

Or: “Allah, Allah! There is a Jew hiding behind accuracy! Smite him!”

As confirmed tonight by that words-cannot-express display on TVO this evening, when cornered, self-appointed Muslim spokesbots:

a) lie
b) change the subject
c) sweat profusely
d) pout
e) compare Orianna Fallaci to Ernst Zundel

Why yes, he DID so.

When he wasn’t muttering to himself again.

It’s true. I missed it at their press conference but RightGirl told me the male Sharia Creep, Master Awan, was muttering to himself that morning on the dais, and looked about to detonate.

Sure enough, he did it again on TVO. Mutter, not detonate. Alas.

So what someone needs to do is get a copy of tonight’s show, isolate those few muttering seconds, and dub them over with the “durka durka jihad” stuff from Team America.

(UPDATE: behold, I speak and my readers obey! In mere moments, yet. Can somebody manifest me up a Quiznos Italian on brown now?)


Wow, was that the longest hour in TVO history or what? You could tell Steyn was ready to blow a fuse during the first three seconds, and after this afternoon, who can blame him?

Latest proposal from TVO is for me to come on first for 15 minutes one-on-one with Steve Paikin to discuss “the larger ideas”, followed by the Sock Puppet Three on their own for 20 minutes to piss all over me, followed by me alone for a ten-minute rebuttal. Of course, the Sock Puppets have already done the show, whereas I never have. But now we’re going to have some stupid crappy stilted format just to accommodate the sensitivities of these fraudulent non-complainants. God Almighty, given the amount of money Canadian taxpayers are giving to the Canadian Islamic Congress to pursue this prosecution, you’d think they could find one Sock Puppet who’d be up to 15 minutes of honest debate. Maybe next time they should be like “Little Mosque On The Prairie” and get the Muslim roles played by non-Muslims.

Lots and lots of very “unCanadian” yelling, which frankly I enjoyed enormously. Unfortunately, like many things you might enjoy enormously, watching that show also made me want to curl up and go sleepy bye byes for half a day, to recover.

Again, I don’t see how you can blame Steyn since this was his first face-to-face encounter with the twerps who are costing him six figures in legal fees.

My email ranges from: “my tv set needs an exorcism and I need a Valium” to “Best 60 minutes of Canadian television EVER!”

Unintentionally funniest line of the night:

“Mohammed Elmasry declined our invitation to appear on tonight’s program…”

While Angry Chick on the Left takes home the We Don’t Get The Whole “Irony” Thing ribbon for:

“What Mark Steyn really wants is to become a martyr!”

Now I have to go clean the spittle off my tv screen.

Twenty minutes to what should be a — frankly no appropriate adjective comes to mind — post-mortem on CHQR.