5 Feet of Fury

The only cracks are in your head, lady

If you caught Mark Steyn on Mike Duffy yesterday, and couldn’t find the remote control fast enough, you caught the interview that immediately followed.

Like me, you probably experienced a rapidly harshed mellow.

Duffy interviewed some socialist (of course) female (of course) politician pushing her latest cause, one that had “for some reason, slipped through the cracks”: the loudness of children’s toys.

The idiotic woman demonstrated the loudness of some toys in question. They… weren’t loud. She explained that in order to cause damage to precious little ears, the toys would have to be held to said precious little ears for fifteen minutes at a time.

Which would be pretty hard to do if they really were loud — you wouldn’t be able to hold them to your ear for 1.5 seconds, let alone 15 minutes. But they aren’t really loud. So.

Look, don’t ask me, ok. I just live here and pay this woman’s salary, benefits and expenses through my extorted tax dollars.

And she wastes her time and my money whining about the children are our future crap when, in the present day, bureaucrats in the Human Rights Commission are committing telecommunications fraud and extortion.