5 Feet of Fury

“Just a normal Friday for” Ezra Levant

Today is the final day in the Canadian Race Relations Foundation conference, with the title ‘What is Canadian Racism? Engaging in a Critical Analysis of this Distinct Manifestation of Racism and How to Tackle it.’  Here’s a shocker: it’s a government agency, with its board appointed by the federal cabinet.

“I’ll be there, of course (…) because I’ve been invited as a guest of honour by today’s keynote speaker, the Hon. Jason Kenney, Secretary of State for Multiculturalism, who has asked me to sit at the head table with him as he delivers his thoughts on multiculturalism and Canadian identity. To kill time until he talks, I think I’ll bring along my signed copy of America Alone to read (and, as my friends know, I like to read aloud, or at least in a stage whisper, instead of keeping the goodness all to myself).


“And if I see Richard Warman or Dean Steacy there, I’ll be sure to wave at them from the head table.”