5 Feet of Fury

“You hear a name like Tyrone Johnson on TV”

Could be a criminal, could be a great basketball player who was just drafted first overall.

“You hear Kyle Gilberts. Could a serial killer, could be a great inventor.

“You hear Dan Stein. Could be a great doctor/scientist or a leftist freak.

“You hear Vito Pirrello. Could be a great classical musician, could be a mobster.

“You hear Ali Mahmoud. Could be a great terrorist or a murderous dictator.

“When was the last time you heard a Muslim mentioned on TV for anything good. What is the major Muslim inventions in our lifetime? A suicide belt. Think about it. The suicide belt is literally the greatest Muslim invention of the 20th century.

“The Japanese had suicide kamikazees. But they also created those nice Hondas and Toyotas. What’s the Muslim Toyota?”