5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer on Rev. Wright: “I told you so”

“Today, the whole world finally noticed.”

On black-white cognitive differences:

The problem, of course, is that while Rev. Wright’s ex-parishoner Oprah Winfrey can make a billion dollars being America’s best nonrational subjective interpersonal improvisational thinker, it’s a limited market. If you are the 100,000th best accountant in America, you probably live on a golf course. But if you are the 100,000 best talk show host, you are unemployed.

On Wright the frustrated “intellectual”:

It’s frustrating for Wright that almost nobody in the white media has taken seriously his ideology, in fact, has barely noticed that he has an ideology. To whites, it’s all just some black thing that we don’t have to — indeed, better not — pay attention to.

It’s especially annoying to Wright that nobody in the white press has paid much attention to the idea that a very bright young man named Barack Obama chose, out of all the black ministers he’d come into contact with during his four years as a community organizer, Rev. Wright because Obama was impressed with Wright’s intellect and agreed with his ideology.

To the white media, all black ministers are alike, but not to an ultra-competitive black minister like Wright, who has outcompeted every other minister on the South Side of Chicago, that’s a racist travesty.