5 Feet of Fury

Teen gets year in jail for tying knot in piece of string

What I take from this story is that a bunch of black people were afraid to get on a Greyhound bus because some little white boy three states over made a lasso.

Next you’ll be telling me that folks fire rifles at people trying to rescue them, and insist on living below sea level, and loot plasma tvs during a flood, and still can’t get their lives together three years later.

But since it is patently impossible for people to be that unspeakably pathetic, stupid and trifling, clearly I’m missing something…

Must be my crazy “white way of learning”. All them mobiles.

So, like, when that Calder got squished in the World Trade Center,* was that, like, representative of brown people crushing the white “way of learning”? The mobiles comin’ home to roost?

See! I didn’t even go to college and I can pull this stuff outta my lumpy butt, no probs.

PS: Do black parents not approve of mobiles because they’re pieces of string with animals hanging from them?

Or is that just too Jungian for words?

Paging Steve Sailer…

You’re all just refreshing his blog every ten minutes today, aren’t you? Stop lying.

* If you want to get pissed off all over again, click that link.