5 Feet of Fury

Hugh Hewitt praises FreeMarkSteyn.com. A lot.

HH: “Now let’s switch over to www.freemarksteyn.com. Tell us about www.freemarksteyn.com.

MS: “Well, this is not a website that was started by me, but it was started by someone who was outraged when I think at that point, three human rights commissions in Canada came after me and Macleans Magazine for having the impertinence to publish an excerpt from my book, America Alone. This guy started this website, www.freemarksteyn.com. It’s become a terrific website. It’s a great clearinghouse for free speech issues, not just free speech issues in Canada, but some related matters around the world, such as dear old Brigitte Bardot, who’s currently in court in France for the umpteenth time, defending her rights to express her views on Muslim food slaughtering practices, animal slaughtering practices. So it’s become a kind of terrific clearinghouse for the cause of free speech. I’ve become more a free speech absolutist. I think Western democracies are insane when they attempt to criminalize opinion. Nothing good comes from that. And this guy has been absolutely terrific in getting together a really good 24/7 operation.

HH: “Well, we’re pleased to plug him. www.freemarksteyn.com.”