“In order to understand why Canada’s HRC has no ears for Canada’s largest minority, Muslims, because HRC was brain-child of a Jewish lawyer, Abe Borovoy — and has a history of Zionist-Jewish domination.”
Yep, that’s why they’re going after two guys named “Steyn” and “Levant” after Muslims complained.
That Mark Steyn is a “Jew who converted to Catholicism” will come as news to Steyn, his entire family, and his fellow congregants at the local Baptist Church.
Note the perpetual mystification Muslims express at Whyte’s “I’d rather go bankrupt” reply. They simply have no understanding of basic Western concepts like honor, and the great “Man For All Seasons” tradition of one man taking a stand against tyranny.
I don’t understand why we let people like this into the country.
PS: doesn’t the existence of all these illiterate Muslim engineers, like this guy, Elmasry and Sowarhardy, make you worry about their competence?