5 Feet of Fury

“The teenage fantasies of a Canadian Human Rights investigator”

“The story lines in each [Jade Warrior] book are very similar. Blade is transported, totally naked, to a strange new dimension where he encounters a set of opposing societies, with one oppressing the other. His sense of what’s morally right leads him to join the oppressed people in their battle over their oppressors. He becomes involved with the leading ladies in the stories and has sexually explicit encounters with them, regardless if they are the oppressed or the oppressors. Some of his ladies are killed in some of the books. The dimensions are very similar to Earth, but with some different types of vegetation and animals, and different skin colorings on some of the peoples he encounters, such as dark blue, red, etc…”

So it DOES make you blind!

Aw, shaddap. Dude can’t read this anyway…