5 Feet of Fury

“I’m a bigot, I know, but for the left…” *

The justification for current and former CHRC investigators posting ‘hate messages’ on websites they’re targeting is that it’s sometimes necessary to their investigation. To the rest of us, it looks like entrapment. But does it in fact go beyond mere entrapment to old-fashioned score-settling?

“One thing that was very clear in Tuesday’s hearing was the sheer pettiness of the CHRC gang. When Marc Lemire’s complaint was turned down by Dean Steacy (for being on the world’s first double-sided fax) and Mr Lemire then had the impertinence to post something about it, Mr Steacy immediately put on his ‘jadewarr’ alias and started posting disinformation at the site. When Free Dominion merely mentioned Mr Steacy this last January, he promptly climbed into his psychological phone booth, changed into his ‘jadewarr’ underwear and logged on to the site. Whatever its high-minded origins, Section 13 seems to have decayed into a crappy little racket for Steacy and Warman to torment whoever crosses them.”
