5 Feet of Fury

Extras from “Oz” march through Calgary, get laughed at, go home

Twenty-five! Count ’em!! Must be all that bathroom graffiti got ’em riled up. Or they’ve been suddenly emboldened by “offensive” place names.

If only Mohammed Atta & friends had chosen to march through Manhattan instead, eh? (And gotten their asses kicked.)

Even at their most influential, Father Coughlin and the American Bund never managed to murder 3000 New Yorkers of a Tuesday morning.

* While we’re getting all retro:

(“local musician Pat Bourne’s house was firebombed in the early hours of Feb 6, 2006 by skinheads who accused him of being a ‘Stalinist‘)”

Jesus, what year is it? Calgary: Your 20th Century World Historical Reinactment Headquarters! What next? “Haymarket Days”? An annual “Potemkin” passion play with baby carriage races?

* Of course, you can’t tell the Nazis without a score card. Especially when the 200 “anti-Nazis” who counter-demo’d — and for that I give them enormous credit — say stuff like:

“We can’t just sit around and wait for the police. Essentially, the police’s hands are tied. Until they break the law, it’s our job to alert the community.”

“Calgary’s the only city where they can go out in public, show their faces and hand out leaflets.” 

So you (anarchists/activists) hate the police except when you want them to arrest your ideological opponents before they break any laws? But you aren’t the “fascists” or anything…

* I guess there’s a chance of another “Greensboro Massacre (Not)” (I love you, Barbara Kay…) happening during confrontations like that, except that was in 1979 and there hasn’t been one since.

The Cold War had come to Greensboro, and Greensboro responded. Thus did two political melodramas converge in one terrible event. The Bolsheviks of the Communist Workers Party never appreciated that ordinary people, including many blacks, might prefer overt racists who were patriots to traitors who were not.

 * The alt paper deems it relevant (and I agree wholeheartedly) that the neo-Nazi’s press release was full of typos. After all, it reflects their stupidity and shoddy thinking.

Yet when I point out that Muslim radicals can’t spell either, I’m a racist.

* Oh, and “a fraction” of… 25? Wow. Of course, “Mike” probably thinks that “fire can’t melt steel” too.

And don’t laugh, but I’ve known plenty of anarchists in my time. And you know what “Mike”‘s real name probably is?


* PS: Canada kinda was built on “violence” not “equality”, or so my lefty teachers taught me… At least get your historical revisionism right, lefties. Sheesh.