5 Feet of Fury

“I can’t believe I’m losing to this guy”

I keep thinking of that old SNK “Presidential debate” sketch whenever the HRCs boobs and Richard Warman cross my mind. (Spelling their own employee’s name wrong?)

Except we’re not losing:

These are just a few of the items in this single transcript that are staggering examples of conflict of interest, collusion and downright corruption of the CHRC process. To her credit, Rizk refused some of Warman’s attempts to interfere, and she acknowledges she was wrong to have complied with others. Unlike Warman, who looks at the CHRC as a method to “disrupt” his political opponents, or Arman Chak who is motivated by an ugly ideology, Rizk seems to have been a more or less nonchalant bureaucrat who made the mistake of working in an Orwellian hothouse where radical political agendas, not just clock-watching, were the corporate culture. No wonder she went on “health” leave.