5 Feet of Fury

I just can’t believe it took them this long

The BBC is to screen a new drama about the final week in the life of Jesus Christ which appears to exonerate Judas and Pontius Pilate.

Producers of The Passion have portrayed the men in a sympathetic light because they believe they have been “very harshly judged” by history. (…)

I’ve always had a problem with Judas in ‘Passion’ stories in that he suddenly and inexplicably betrays Jesus,” he said.”I was keen to develop a psychological reality to Judas’s portrayal.”

Gosh, sorry about yer “problem”, eh? Let’s ask Jesus what He thinks — oh wait, He’s being crucified for your sins right now and can’t come to the phone.

I’m thinking it’s all “sudden and inexplicable” to you cuz you suddenly and inexplicably went to church on Good Friday, having missed all the readings up til then.