5 Feet of Fury

So if somebody ever nuked Mecca…

is the worst case scenario that we’d have to cope with Arabic versions of stuff like this for the next 50 years…?

UPDATE: few things thrill me more than irritating the right people. I especially savour the spectacle of ass-kicking punk rockers pretending to be upset by something like this while listening to “Belsen Was A Gas” and “Bomb The Boats, Feed The Fish” on their iPods.

Nuclear war is supposed to be the “end all”. But even while I was a peacenik, I couldn’t help but notice that the Japanese didn’t seem as busted up about it as we were.

They’ve gone on to make exceptional cars and gadgets, and not so exceptional animated soft core porn, monster movies and little plastic doodads of mysterious utility.

I felt all sorry for the Japanese until I grew up and learned about Nanking, and how they tortured Allied servicement. And of course they bombed Pearl Harbor, so they started it. Even some Japanese admitted later they got what they deserved.

I still like Arnie’s idea of moving that statue of Winston Churchill from its exile by the City Hall underground parking entrance and sticking it inside the Hiroshima memorial in center of the Nathan Philips Square, so it looks like he’s pissing on the eternal flame…

Yep: a Borg-like enemy with a wacky religion who uses suicide as a weapon, oppresses women and believes they are racially superior. Nuthin’ to see here. Go back to your goodthink-ing, unquestioning leftwing imitation of “rebellion”.

I grew up reading H.L. Mencken, P.J. O’Rourke, and Florence King. I keep forgetting most folks ain’t so lit-rit.