5 Feet of Fury

Not content with tying his blankie around his neck, jumping off the couch and pretending to fly…

a grown up Darren Lund leaps to the rescue of gay men everywhere, unasked. Also he’s straight.

But he has such deep feelings for “teh gays” he had to bravely appoint himself their martyr/protector from the evil “conservative Christians”. At other folks’ expense of course. “Welcome to Sherwood” (big boy!)

Of course, Lund would never include himself in his notion of “dangerous people out there.” Do-gooders never do.

You get hate mail and death threats? Welcome to my world. Gonna volunteer to go after the guys who threaten me on the web? Oh no, that’s different. And guess what? I wouldn’t want you to. Or is that concept too foreign for you to comprehend?

And actually, most of “our brave soldiers [who] fought and died in Nazi Germany” would have agreed with the proposition that “Where homosexuality flourishes, all manner of wickendness abounds.”

(PS: did it pain you to have to describe them as “brave” since this was the Globe & Mail and not the faculty lounge?)

But thanks for coming out, wasting everybody’s time and money (but you “earn” your paycheque sucking on the public teat, so that’s nothing new) and exponentially increasing hatred against homosexuals by depicting them as poor helpless little victims who require and demand special protection from the State.

Genius! (“I think if John Iselin were a paid Soviet agent, he could not do more to harm this country than he’s doing now…”)

Alberta taxpayers: your children are being taught by a guy who still uses the “fire in a crowded theatre” trope. Alas, most Canadians are stupid enough to agree with him.

UPDATE: Boisson writes:

Lund fails to mention he was a public school teacher in Red Deer when I wrote my letter. That the gay debate was nationwide. That he was inviting pro-gay ministers into his high school tolerance program to teach what he called “the pro-homosexual view of the Bible” but not inviting ministers that held the opposing view. He fails to mention that the AHRC funded Alberta PFALG to promote their program that taught that homosexual is “normal, necessary, acceptable and productive and has been for thousands of years” as an initiative. Lund fails to mention that his students were not offered “free speech, freedom of religious belief and expression”. Instead they were criticized for holding an opposing view to homosexuality. Numerous teens informed me that they were afraid to share that they did not agree with what Lund and other pro-gay teachers were forcing on them. Lund’s program was about much more than tolerance. It was an pro-gay activists agenda.

Ps….I didn’t know then just as I don’t today who assaulted that boy. I don’t even know the boy who was assaalted. I heard about it two weeks after my letter was printed and the boy heard about my letter from the reporter. At that time, I was a facilitator for the Red Deer RCMP’s Restorative Justice Program, a licensed minister, the Executive Director of a Christian Youth Charity and have personaly welcomed dozens of at-risk youth into my own home regardless of sexual orientation. Anyone who knows me personally thinks it is absurd to accuse me of approving of and/or causing such a horrendous crime. The so called staff member that was one of Lund’s witnesses was actually a “client” that was on a 6 month employabilty program. She had her facts way out to lunch and if she had known something she failed to mention it to any senior staff member, a board member or the police.