JKF I ain’t. I guess my talk went ok in the sense that I didn’t get booed. I’m actually not a nervous public speaker — at the beginning. But about 5 minutes in, I start doubting myself and start shaking.
My jokes got laughs. It was great to meet some of my readers, and trade contact info with other bloggers. If they’re reading this, thanks so much for coming out!
I also went to a talk by Michael Geist about internet law. Lots of great information but liberals are funny. At one point he pointed out that “the free market won’t solve everything” because “it is estimated that 5% of Canada still won’t have broadband” in XYZ years, and — you guessed it — “the government has to step in” to close this horrendous gap.
It’s really weird to me that a guy with a Ph.D. thinks that “5%” is “a lot.” (It’s like trying to point out to them that scary Pat Robertson, who’s poised to set up the United States of Jesus any second now, has fewer than one million viewers of his TV show. In a nation of over 300 million. The phrase “less than 1%” doesn’t even do that justice.)
So a bunch of old ladies in Armpit, Ontario won’t have broadband? They’ll be dead before the government gets around to fixing the “problem” and they didn’t want the damn thing anyway.
However, we were intrigued to learn that Geist is being sued over comments someone else left on his blog, and is fighting the suit. Good for him.
Too bad he thinks “Lucy” is a hero of sorts. But he did say he felt the HRCs had overstepped their mandate re: Steyn and Levant. (RightGirl asked. Heh.)
Oh and he thinks the government no longer funding tv programs called “Kink” is “censorship”, but again, that whole “free market” thing is “bad” eh? It’s so funny (and depressing) to hear a man this obviously intelligent say stuff like “the loss of tax credits could effectively kill some film productions” without, like you and I, immediately adding “Wooohooo!!”
The government’s job is to protect me from attacks foreign and domestic, not to extort my hard earned money and give it to soft core porn producers.
Soft core porn producers, of all people, they should be able to produce their products without my involuntary financial assistance. Larry Flynt and thousands of others have managed quite nicely. Oh right: they’re Americans. They have a sense of independence, pragmatism and self-reliance. How stupid of me…