5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant: “a political opportunity”

“It’s time to fire up the e-mails again, and press Tory MPs to make the Keith Martin-Dan McTeague proposition a bi-partisan one.

“Two months ago, I thought that to amend the Act would be controversial. But with support from across the entire political spectrum, ranging from Eye Weekly, the Toronto Star, PEN Canada, the Canadian Association of Journalists, the Globe and Mail, the National Post, the CBC’s Rex Murphy, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Noam Chomsky(!) and a dozen metropolitan dailies, this should be a political slam-dunk.

“The first stage in political reform — the denormalization of these commissions — is well under way. I predict we’ll have good news on the second front — political action — before the year is out. What do you think?”