5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant: “Richard Warman’s attempt to block U.S. websites”

“I’ve written about how Richard Warman, the former Canadian Human Rights Commission staffer who is now the CHRC’s biggest customer for thought crime complaints, has tried to censor Canadian libraries in British Columbia and Ontario.

“But the largest libraries in the world now, of course, are online. And defamation suits and human rights complaints — Warman’s preferred tools of censorship — don’t work as well if the libraries and other websites in question are based in the United States. Their robust First Amendment means that U.S. defamation law is not an effective censorship tool, and that country does not — yet, at least — have anything as pernicious as Canada’s various thought crimes laws.

“Well, if a Canadian can’t censor U.S. websites, can he get Internet companies here in Canada to block those U.S. sites from Canadian Internet users, like Communist China does with politically incorrect sites? That’s exactly what Warman sought to do in an application to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.”


“I’m interested in this subject because I’m interested in freedom, and I am only recently discovering the relentless nature of those who would erode or limit our freedoms here in Canada, especially in the name of phoney ‘human rights’, such as the human right not to be offended.

“But I’m also interested in this subject because, a week or so ago, Richard Warman, the applicant in this censorship gambit and the plaintiff in the library-censoring defamation suits, filed notice of a threatened defamation suit against me, too. And one of the recurring complaints in that notice was that I defamed him by calling him a censor.

“I know, it’s absurd. But then so much of this story is absurd.

If you want to help me fight Warman’s threatened defamation lawsuit — or help me in my other legal battle, the Alberta Human Rights Commission’s two-year prosecution of me for publishing the Danish cartoons of Mohammed — I’d be grateful. I promise to keep fighting until the fight is won.”