5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant needs your help

“One of the strangest things about Richard Warman’s threatened lawsuit against me is his complaint that I dare to call him litigious and a censor. It’s strange because it’s so obviously a fair comment, based on the facts of his track record. But the really weird part is that he doesn’t see the irony in it. I mean, demanding that I censor my comment that he’s a censor? Or threatening that he’ll sue me because I say he sues a lot? It’s absurd, and I wonder if there’s anyone in his circle of friends who will tap him on the shoulder and tell him that. I doubt it.


“I’m grateful to the reader who sent me that BCCLA report – research tips are always welcome.  So I’ve thought of another research challenge for readers skilled at Google and the Wayback Machine and who have some time to help: Let’s document every occasion that Warman has either filed a suit against someone or threatened to do so...”