“Nonetheless, the difference between ‘Canada’s James Carville’ and the real thing is that Mr Carville isn’t wasting his time hunting down minor clerks in the Department of Parking Lots who’ve made the mistake of sending him a dissenting e-mail, or raging about the sex life of the ‘Wicked Witch of the West’ (which, as a put-down, is barely any better than “douchebag” or ‘fuck you, loser’), or issuing hollow legal threats to every blogger who can’t keep a straight face when his name comes up, or hectoring G7 governments for not leaping into action on the basis of his men’s room coffee-table pictorials.
“I would assume The National Post parted company with him because, while a certain amount of ad hominen invective adds to the gaiety of life, Warren’s polemical skills seem to have dwindled down to blustery assertions that his position is the only definition of ‘human rights’ and, even more absurdly, the narcissistic assumption that he is the sole proprietor of the Holocaust…”