5 Feet of Fury

Conservative MPs: touchy little buggers, eh?

So let me get this straight:

* The (Stop) Talking Points memo really was issued from the Justice Minister’s office. Which is what Al and I wrote.

* And it was sent to all the Conservative MPs offices. Which is what we wrote.

So that leaves Conservative MPs ticked off at me, Al and the National Post because… either their assistants didn’t pass the memo along to them, or they did but the MPs didn’t bother reading it and now they look and feel dumb.

And this is my fault because?

The fact remains that years after HRC abuses began, targeting no-name Christians, and months after higher profile defendants were targeted, the PMO has remained eerily silent on one of the great controversies of our time.

And memo itself is three pages of cautious, cliched boilerplate that — while no doubt standard issue, even de rigeur, among professional politicians and bureaucrats — leaves the rest of us decidedly uninspired if not downright demoralized.


I interviewed Keith Martin again today. He said support within the Liberal caucus for his motion is “huge.”

Stephane Dion has not talked to him about it, or asked him to withdraw it. Only a couple of Liberal members raised concerns, but no one has asked him to remove the motion.

“There is enormous support within caucus and across party lines,” he said.

Ezra Levant adds:

I might have been more trusting of Bryden, had it not been for the over-the-top cheering her “report” received, in advance of publication, from Warren Kinsella.

Bryden’s “news report” was appalling for other reasons, mainly that it was really an editorial, using bizarre guilt by association to smear Martin as a white supremacist.

I know that Bryden’s hit piece was demoralizing to those who support Martin’s motion. Now we know the truth: Dion, like most Liberals, ignored Kinsella’s hyperventilations about Martin, and let the MP use a private member’s motion the way it was meant to be used, to put forward an idea that wasn’t on the party’s official agenda.

It’s a shame that Gyapong’s correction won’t get a drop of ink in the MSM to counteract the misleading spin in Kinsella’s Bryden’s CP story. And I won’t hold my breath that Bryden herself will correct the record. Ten years ago, that would be the end of it. But today, the blogosphere can correct the record by linking en masse to Debbie’s post.