5 Feet of Fury

Harper government wimps out in free speech fight

“NoApologies.ca has obtained a copy of a document circulated to all Conservative MP’s from Justice Minister Rob Nicholson’s office late last week.

“The document is entitled ‘Talking points re: CHRA & CHRC’, and it basically instructs MP’s to keep a very low profile on any discussion surrounding Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.


“The document also instructs MP’s to essentially shift the focus away from the Section 13 discussion by talking about the government’s ongoing efforts to repeal Section 67 of the Act.  That section essentially exempts First Nations from any and all provisions or enforcement of the Act in cases where discrimination happens on native land.”

Read the whole thing.

Ezra Levant reacts:

I say again I don’t know who wrote these empty talking points, or when. But when every medium in the country, from the Globe and Mail to the Toronto Star to the National Post, are united in calling for an amendment of section 13, surely a little bit of political courage can be expected from a government calling itself Conservative.

I’ve had enough contact with various MPs and staff in Ottawa to know that these talking points do not reflect the whole picture of the government’s thinking. At least I hope they don’t.

Of course, the Prime Minister’s Office merely reflects the wimpiness of the Average Canadian.

Anyway, you can send your polite concerns directly to the Prime Minister’s Office by clicking on the banner below.

You might want to ask why the Harper government is more committed to building a $100 million Museum for Human Rights than to ensuring real, live freedom of speech in the here and now.