5 Feet of Fury

Best post about Steyn and Levant yet

I’m so jealous. I know this stuff too but didn’t make the connection… (Too bad about the Kitty Genovese thing, which was a NYT manufactured fairytale. Otherwise, great stuff and a fine blog overall.)

Never go to a secondary crime scene. There may be a reason to temporarily cooperate with your attacker, but when he tries to get you to go to another location, it’s for his advantage — so he can commit more crimes against you in leisure and privacy. The primary crime scene is the best place for fight or flight. For example, if someone pokes a gun in your ribs and tells you to get in a car, immediately start screaming and fighting. Exposure may frighten the kidnapper into running away, and if not it’s certainly better to be shot in public where help is more likely to be available than to be raped, tortured and murdered in private later on.

What do these important personal safety tips have to do with Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn? People have been poking guns into their ribs and trying to get them to cooperate as crimes are committed against them. Ezra Levant has been hauled before a Human Rights Commission to answer for his thoughtcrime of criticizing Islam, and Mark Steyn is scheduled to go. But Levant, instead of meekly going along to his doom, started screaming and fighting…