5 Feet of Fury

Dear CJC: “Darfur? Holocaust memorials? How about tackling issues we’re facing now?”

A fine piece by Laura Rosen Cohen:

Instead, a cursory glance of the CJC website reveals a public relations agenda of dubious or even nonexistent significance to the average Canadian Jew. There are a number of press releases and commentaries on Darfur (which, last time I checked, was Jew-free), a little bit about Jewish art looted by the Nazis and very solemn commentaries noting which local dignitaries attended recent Holocaust memorial ceremonies.

There is also a lot of repetitive bleating about the evils of “hate speech.” It seems that if one really wants to get noticed by the organized, “democratically elected” representatives of Canadian Jewry, one needs only to yell ” kike” in a crowded room somewhere in Canada.

It is therefore not surprising that the CJC has been a scandalously silent voice as Ezra Levant, Mark Steyn and Maclean’s magazine struggle to tell the truth about militant Islam and battle the thought-crime investigations being administered by Canadian human rights mandarins.

Levant, whose Alberta synagogue was firebombed (read: actual hate crime) will likely continue to remain friendless among the machers of the CJC, which has taken the position that censorious human rights legislation is a useful tool for fighting anti-Semitism, a problem that was relegated to marginal kooks (such as David Ahenakew) a generation ago.

PS: At Laura’s invitation, I’m scheduled to talk about free speech and the internet at a small Univiersity of Toronto luncheon event on March 6. Stay tuned for more details (or email her!)