5 Feet of Fury

If only Dennis Prager’s producer read my blog…

Or Ezra Levant’s:

“Hardly a day goes by when the Canadian Jewish Congress doesn’t put out a press release hectoring the government to enforce some form of state censorship against its political enemy of the day. Here’s a list of all of their news releases for 2008 so far: a third have been about thought crimes.

“Is this really what the Canadian Jewish Congress is about? I remember attending Jewish day school and being taught that the Jewish way was argument and debate and analysis and persuasion, and that it was our historical enemies who had resorted to violence over reason. The Jewish Talmud is one big debate between scholars Hillel and Shammai. To this day, in Jewish theological seminaries, students study in pairs, including for the specific reasons that they are to engage and challenge each other. There’s even a cliche: ‘two Jews, three opinions’. What happened to that tradition…?”