5 Feet of Fury

And now: foreigners!

Actually, we do expect men to control their sexual urges, in elevators or in any other public space, Mr. Farhood Azasina at farhood.azarsina@nrc.ca

Granted, we Westerners haven’t been making it easy for men to practice public self-control, since at least the late 1950s.

Considering the hundreds of sexual cues men are exposed to every day, and society’s “if it feels good, do it” ethos, combined with their hardwired sexual natures, I’d say men deserve our congratulations and thanks.

Of course, it helps that most Western men still possess a slight trace of the Judeo-Christian ethos, even subconsciously, and a respect for the basic tenets of law and order.

Alas, not all of our wonderful “newcomers” do.

PS: that Muslim cab driver/honour killer still hasn’t been charged.

(via Small Dead Animals. Kate has LOTS of great stuff today!)