5 Feet of Fury

New banner in the free speech cause: Support M-446

Support MP Keith Martin’s private member’s motion to amend the notorious Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Right now, it is illegal for any Canadian to “communicate… any matter” “likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt.” 

In other words, a Canadian can not only be punished for expressing their views (thought crime), they can be charged with possibly harming someone in the near or distant future, merely by uttering or writing forbidden combinations of words (pre-crime).

Now, if I’m gonna have to live in a science fiction novel, I at least want my flying car and robot maid!

Presumably neither will be forthcoming, the government having wasted my tax dollars on frivolous Human Rights cases against Mark Steyn, Ezra Levant and many other less famous individuals.

So click on the link below to help support Dr. Martin’s private member’s motion, especially now that this Liberal MP is being called a “Nazi sympathizer” by members of his very own party, merely for introducing this bill: