5 Feet of Fury

Toronto gets blacks-only school. How could that possibly go bad?

And twenty years from now, the students will sue over this, just like Indian students sued over residential schools. And we’ll all have to pay the bill. Again.

Some comments:

“Instead of wasting money on ‘afro-centric’ skools were their just going to teach them a fuller cirriculum of ‘Hate Whitey-Blame Whitey’ agit-prop,why not organize student trips back to Africa.

“Two week camping excursions to such African wonderlands like say, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Kenya, the Congo or the Sudan will probably be enough to convince every Blax student the importance of getting an education.”


“I also taught summer school in an inner city school with many black kids, many of the girls wearing hijab. The insolence, sense of entitlement, and plain bad manners of a good number of these kids was most disturbing, not to mention that, academically, the standard was pretty low. (One ‘hijabbed’ young miss, about 10, refused to stand for ‘O Canada’: ‘It’s not my country.’ That only happened on the first day as I made it altogether clear that sitting for the national anthem was NOT an option.)


“The accepted family structure of many kids by many fathers, with no dad around the home sets these kids up for failure from the start. Their mothers are often very young, uneducated, inarticulate, chip on the shoulder women who are not able to provide the security and role modelling necessary to socialize their kids. Any school for this type of kid would have to be built on a philosophy of high structure and non negotiable authority, consistently and seriously enforced. I believe any ‘solution’ which overlooks this is not going to make much of a difference.”

Thomas Sowell has written:

“‘Leaders’ have their own interests and agendas that they push, even when the effect on those for whom they claim to speak is detrimental. That is where we are today. Black leaders have a vested interest in black dependency — on them and on the government that they can try to influence.

“Independent blacks who make it on their own are ignored as irrelevant or distracting. That is true not only of individuals, but also of institutions like all-black Dunbar High School in Washington, which for 85 years brought quality education to its students. Dunbar students exceeded national norms on IQ tests, years before the Supreme Court said that separate education was inherently unequal.

Dunbar was located within walking distance of the Supreme Court that essentially declared its existence impossible…”