5 Feet of Fury

Is Warren Kinsella talking about me again?

Oh dear. I never hear about these catty Warren Kinsella posts unless a fan of mine tells me about it.

I don’t care for Henry Rollins — who seems to have traded in his once-promising talent to Satan in exchange for a lifetime supply of protein powder and faux-anarchist talking points — so I have no idea what this video is about.

I gather it features Rollins pretending to proposition Ann Coulter.

If so: dear Warren, being cruised by a poseur like “Hulk Smash!” Rollins is not one of my fantasies. He’s a bit too “strong like bull, smart like streetcar” for my tastes.

Now, if Warren is suggesting that I’m too old/ugly to be so propositioned, he is not far wrong.

However, my fellow “Wicked Witch”, Kate at SmallDeadANimals, is very attractive.

So, basically, I have no idea what Kinsella is talking about and I suspect he doesn’t know either.

I’m merely posting about it because it has been over a week since Kinsella advised us to “retain counsel”.

I’ve since received a generous offer of free legal assistance in this matter, yet we have yet to receive our registered letter.

Apparently Kinsella is too busy surfing YouTube and going through old “love letters” from Kate.

Anyway, you all know what those magic words “retain counsel” mean: that’s right — another picture of an actually attractive woman in skimpy underwear, as part of this blog’s week-long tradition!

You’re all so very welcome. But don’t thank me — thank Warren “I’m Not Obsessed by Women I Hardly Know or Anything!” Kinsella.

UPDATE: one blogger does NOT like the looks of that knife!