5 Feet of Fury

I’m taping the Michael Coren Show today (updated)

So I don’t have time to blog right now.

Keep an eye on FreeMarkSteyn.com for updates. And Ezra Levant has a new post up.
(If you missed this week’s premier of Richard Warman Vs. The Giant Shape Shifting Jew Lizards, click here).

I’ll be back this afternoon to remind you to watch the show tonight at 8PM EST.


Well, I made the liberal lawyer huff a teeny bit so I’m happy. What happened? I can never remember clearly. I know I said something like, “I hate my country” or “I’m ashamed to be Canadian” and also mentioned my intention to buy a gun in case of “warrantless seizure of my property by agents of the State” — previously known throughout history as “theft” — but, alas, I think that was during the untaped break.  (And since private property isn’t protected under the Canadian Charter…)

Oh and of course “How can hate be a crime?” and so forth. You never get to say all the things you’d hoped and in my case that’s probably a good thing, and good for Coren, who doesn’t need a CRTC hearing.

I really wanted to get in the fact that the people exposing Muslims to “hatred and contempt” in the Steyn case are the witless twerps who brought the case against him. (Although I did call them “twerps” on the air — that felt great.)

Mike Brock and I were the two “libertarian” types on the panel, whereas the other guests were more Establishment types, especially James the Lawyer, who sounds amazing like this guy. Lawyers. Ugh. Even the ones more or less on our side get on my nerves. They take it as a given that people need to be protected from this or that by the government, especially when this or that is “hateful.” Sheesh.

Anyway: don’t tune in to see me, but the show really will interest folks following the Levant and Steyn situations.

As Coren said in the intro: “Tonight we’re going to talk about a very unCanadian subject: freedom…”

Here’s the guide to how to watch, depending on your location and satellite/cable provider. It’s 8PM EST tonight. 

I’m taking the rest of today off to continue job hunting and so forth.