5 Feet of Fury

Are El-mo’s kids guilty of hypocrisy? (The worst sin in leftist eyes)

“Here’s a funny thing I found, just about by accident; an Osgoode Hall magazine article that not only be interpreted to be at least as Islamophobic as any that Macleans may have published. Certainly the authir [sic] concludes with a suggestion that Islam could be the dominant religion of the west, if not for its thin-skinned followers.

“So, why are the Osgoode 4/CIC NOT pursuing a case against the Obiterdicta, the Osgoode Hall in-house magazine and/or Corey Wall for his October 10th 2006 article titled: ‘An Islamic Chill on Expression?’

“Not only does the Obiterdicta article criticize oversensitivity on the part of muslims [sic], it also publishes slightly redacted versions of the ‘offensive’ cartoons that Ezra Levant is currently being taken to the Alberta HRC for publishing.”

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