5 Feet of Fury

Donohue calls ESPN outburst “hate speech”

Oh brother.

Sounds like a weird, pointless rant, even for a roast. (Although, if you managed to sit through, say, the Comedy Central roast of William Shatner, you know the stratospheric level of profanity allowed, even encouraged, in the “roast” atmosphere. I’m still laughing about some guy’s jibe that a certain female stand up had “screwed more black men than the Tuskegee Experiment…”)

I’m more concerned about the Catholic League’s (that is, Mr. Bill & His Fax Machine’s) use of the asinine phrase “hate speech.”

Sure, what she said makes me cringe too. But right now, the person who was hurt the most by this rant was the woman who delivered it and now has to face her bosses.

Dear Bill: like doesn’t cure like. Now, we’ve all done it: using the left’s tactics against them, or trying to; in this case, employing weasel words like “hate speech.” Stop pretending to be “outraged” about this or that just to score a cheap political point.

I’m not convinced this is a wise move in the long run, just like I don’t believe in filing HRC claims against people who say anti-Catholic things.

I don’t even believe in calling the cops over death- or rape threats I get, let alone suing bloggers who’ve called me names.

We’ve all had “bad days” and written over the top stuff about other people.

And I’m hardly shaking because some drunk blogger four provinces over “threatens” me at 3 in the morning on some web site nobody reads anyway.

Readers, the fact is: I don’t read these sites. I don’t google my name. I know you mean well but — I wish you wouldn’t email me to tell me what so-and-so just said about me.

Cuz I don’t want to care. My boyfriend gets more upset than I do. And that upsets me.

So just do what I do and ignore it.

I want to keep the web a “free speech zone”. If I dish it out I have to be able to take it. I won’t/don’t always succeed in living up to my own standards of “taking it”, but I aim to try.