5 Feet of Fury

Let’s review, shall we?

Earlier this week I was linked to from both Small Dead Animals and NRO’s The Corner.

During the first 24 hours of each post, my unique hit traffic from each link was:

* SDA: over 1000

* NRO: over 1000

This traffic leveled off slowly over the next 24 hours, but both sites continued to send me a steady stream of visitors. The total number of visitors from both links was probably around 3000.

Yesterday, I was linked to by four “progressive” Canadian blogs.

24 hours later, the unique hit traffic from all these blogs is:

About 250. And dropping.

Sad, isn’t it?

Oh, and my traffic is up about 1/3 over last month, which was my busiest ever. This month will top that by 10% or so if current trends continue.