5 Feet of Fury

Tuesday was a very bad day

I’m feeling MUCH better now…

Forget any “legal defence fund” and “retaining counsel” — send me money for this to retain my waist:

I’ve received phone calls and emails asking me how I’m doing. Today I am 100% normal and have been ordered by someone whose name you’d all recognize to snap out of it, stop worrying and resume “blogging up a storm.”

Thank you for your support/encouragement/free legal advice and even your scoldings.

PS: yesterday at my job interview, they asked me where I shop online and I blurted out “Frederick’s of Hollywood”. To two very hip, cool guys half my age. I tried to recover by adding “L.L Bean” but alas, I think I left them with too ugly a mental picture to overcome.

Oh well, I guess the search continues…