5 Feet of Fury

Can’t they both lose? Accused anti-Semite entraps Human Rights Commission with entrapment charge

(Download a PDF of the documents in question and join the discussion at “FreeDominion.ca” — which famously had to relocate its servers to the glorious and free nation of Panama to evade Canada’s Human Rights Commission tendrills…)

(PS: aren’t you thrilled that your precious tax dollars are paying for this unfunny comedy of errors?)

“In a Toronto courtroom today Marc Lemire won another victory when the CHRC withdrew its attempt to hide its shady techniques behind Section 37 of the Canadian Evidence Act. This section permits government agencies to conceal or refuse to disclose information injurious to Canadian government security and/or the operation of federal agencies. The CHRC has been using this Section to hide the identities of its employees, and the techniques they use, to try to entrap people on the internet into saying things the CHRC can then use against them in their tribunals.

Shortly before the hearing was scheduled to begin the CHRC decided to drop their attempt to continue to hide their activities in the Marc Lemire case. They didn’t make this decision because they had suddenly developed honourable principles, they did it because they knew the court was going to rule against them and they didn’t want an official ruling that might prevent them from using the same jiggery-pokery when they attack their next victims.

“What was at stake in this case was a copy of questions and answers put forth to two CHRC employees concerning their ‘investigative’ techniques and who exactly it was trying to entrap internet posters. (…)

“The significance of this document is it directly ties the screen name jadewarr to a specific CHRC employee.

“The second part of Lemire’s victory today is the court’s ruling that Lemire can now request the CHRC tribunal subpoena Bell Canada for the identity of another poster who Lemire’s legal team believes to be another CHRC employee, one whose name many people may recognize when the person’s identity is revealed…”