5 Feet of Fury

For all those who say our sarcasm, fury (and frankly superior rhetoric) is just “making things worse”

Ha! And ha! again to you:

The nelliepussyfairies at LawIsCool concede defeat:

All of this has resulted in us reviewing the situation and deciding that we will no longer be carrying content related to the Maclean’s case or Mark Steyn. Any legal information that appears similar to the case after this point is pure coincidental. Anyone posting under this name on other sites can assumed to be fraudulent.

The complainants in the case, of which only one is represented here in part, should be setting up their own site soon. Please hop over and take your feeding frenzy over there, and let us resume our academic discourse in peace.

We win. They lose. Their mothers are hamsters and their fathers smell of elderberries!

When the complainants set up their own site, as promised (how in the world has it taken them so long? Amateurs…) we’ll already have a months-long advantage in terms of web presence.

Now, let’s carry on, without dubious benefit of council, “sympathetic” or otherwise.