5 Feet of Fury

Another Canadian conservative hauled before kangaroo court

Ezra Levant writes:

“Today at 2 p.m. I will appear before an Alberta “human rights officer” for an interrogation. I am being interrogated for the political crime of publishing the Danish cartoons in the Western Standard nearly two years ago.

“As a lawyer, I’ve been in different courts and tribunals, but I’ve never experienced a kangaroo court first-hand. I will have a more comprehensive report later today…

I still don’t get it: if the “radical, Saudi-trained, anti-Semitic imam who has publicly called for sharia law to be enforced in Canada” who brought these “charges” against Levant, can do so by filing a “hand scrawled complaint”, why can’t Levant or Mark Steyn just respond to the HRC with a fax photo of their butts?

That’s the only appropriate response to this bull.

Oh, and reprinting the cartoons on your website — like Ezra has done. Bravo!

PS: I just happen to have the contact info for the Alberta Human Rights Commission right here. Just in case any free born Canadian citizens might want to, I dunno, file a complaint about something or other…

Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission
Northern Regional Office
800 Standard Life Centre
10405 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 4R7
Confidential Inquiry Line (780) 427-7661
Fax (780) 427-6013

Southern Regional Office
Suite 310, 525 – 11 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta  T2R 0C9
Confidential Inquiry Line (403) 297-6571
Fax (403) 297-6567
