5 Feet of Fury

Uhm. OK.

I’m not afraid of stating (having posted on the subject months ago) that Obama’s biggest qualification to be President, in many of his supporters’ eyes, is that he’s half black.

(Spend a week listening to pro-Obama callers, white and black, on US talk radio, then dare to disagree with me.)

And if you vote for someone based on the colour of their skin, whether the candidate is black or white, that makes you racist or stupid or both.

(Bush haters who drone on about W. getting into Yale/getting elected because of “who his father is” are strangely silent on the fact that “who his father is” has helped Obama’s political career enormously, in white-guilt-ridden America.)

However, none of the following ever crossed my mind before, and I think the alleged “Muslim” connection is way overblown. There are more important things to accuse Obama of (big spending, class warfare, liberal social views) than “being Muslim” (?)

Or, stranger yet, being “metrosexual”:

Man, I hope that Barak Obama is the Democratic nominee for President.  Not because I like him — in fact, I hate him on a personal level. Rarely has history delivered up at such a critical moment such an inconsequential figure with such hopes invested in him.  Every time I see his face — pale and strangely off-putting like that of a transsexual –– my blood boils.  But, still, I pray that God is kind enough to deliver us such an opponent: as annoying as the man is, tearing apart the Coke-snorting, criminal-coddling, terrorist-appeasing, possibly-Mohammadean Democratic nominee is going to be a lot of fun.

Adam, you’re in for one very rough week.