5 Feet of Fury

Rex Murphy on Mark Steyn: “we all know what a hotbed of radical bigotry and vile prejudice Maclean’s magazine has been.”

“For what seems like a century Maclean’s was no more ‘offensive’ (that is the can’t [sic — should this be “cant”?] term of choice these days) than a down comforter on a cold day and if Mark Steyn’s article offended them: so what? Not every article in every magazine of newspaper is meant to be a valentine card addressed to every reader’s self-esteem.

“Why is any human rights commission inserting itself between a magazine, a television show, a newspaper and the readers or viewers? Is every touchy, or agenda-driven sensibility now free to call upon the offices of the state and free of charge — to them — not their targets — to embroil them in ‘justifying’ their right to write and broadcast as they see fit? The Western Standard magazine, during the so-called Danish cartoon crisis got hauled before the Alberta Human Rights Commission for publishing the cartoons that all the world was talking about. The action drained the magazine’s resources — but it was free to the complainant.”

PS: the site accepts comments, and some are quite good. However, note the number of Muslims — who still can’t spell — calling for a less “one sided” approach to the story yet again.

Once again: why don’t you people just start your own damn magazine, first of all, instead of acting like parasites. (Professional tip: when you do, hire a proofreader for whom English is his first language…)

If you want to be treated respectfully, start by having the self-respect to quit all this crying and begging.

Second, there is no such creature as the “rights of communities to participate in media discussions” (??) except in your fevered, brainwashed minds.

Their complete refusal or inability to comprehend elementary Western concepts like “freedom of the press” and “private property” is truly sad. They wallow in hysterical victimhood, tossing around left-liberal platitudes and charges of “Islamophobia.”

That people like them are the cause of so-called “Islamophobia” escapes them completely.

God save us from these pathetic whiners. Alas in these and other ways, they are perfectly assimilated little Canadians.