5 Feet of Fury

“Organizations and even whole societies are full of undiscussable subjects.”

They even go out of their way to create these ‘open secrets’. When Mark Steyn is threatened by the Canadian Human Rights establishment for expressing his views on radical Islam it eventually has the result of creating another verboten subject.

“Not just the Canadian Human Rights people, but a whole spectrum of organizations throughout the world, create taboos which eventually stifle the internal cognitive processes within them. And those taboos are so entrenched it often requires a crisis — an impending bankruptcy, a corporate takeover, or a revolution — to overturn them. Management consultants are paid large amounts of money to initiate ‘communications processes’ through which the unacknowledged problems of a failing organization can once again re-enter the realm of ‘actionable knowledge’.

“The San Francisco zoo story provides an example of something all too common within organizations: the emergence of the open secret.”

Exactly. Note that the first rule of the Canadian Pro-Life Movement is not to discuss how parochial and incompetent the Canadian Pro-Life Movement is.

Catholic groups are especially prone to this phenomenon, using the concept of “being charitable” to hide the fact that they are too sucky to face facts.

Fortunately, people like me exist. People born without tact filters who just don’t care what you think of them. To normal people, we seem crazy, but we serve a useful purpose. The irony is, it is almost impossible for us to get or keep jobs where we’re most needed…
